Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Handheld web browser update

In my search for the perfect handheld device for casual web browsing (ie. whilst loafing about on the sofa watching TV) I've found a couple of possible contenders...
The Pepper Pad is an Intel based handheld running Linux with a Mozilla-based browser and a 20Gb hard disk. It also has 802.11b wi-fi and Bluetooth.
As well as web browsing it can also do email, IM, plays Music, shows images and has some games.
At $849.99 its the same price as a low end laptop so it needs to be good!
Theres a review here.

As a competitor Pepper are going up against the mighty Nokia who have will soon launch the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. This looks a cracking little device which runs a version of Linux, has 802.11b and g wi-fi, bluetooth and has a touchscreen.
At an estimated $350 the Pepper is going to struggle to compete! I'll certainly be putting my hand in my pocket as soon as its out here in the UK ;)
Theres a good review here.

MediaProMobile.com - how dodgy?!

I found MediaProMobile.com from an auction for some of the latest Nokia and Sony Ericsson (SE) phones on Ebay.
This site looks HIGHLY suspicious to me. All their products are shown at very low prices and they claim to have some phones that aren't even available yet (Nokia N91).
Theres no details about the company and no way of contacting them.

I wouldn't touch them with a very long bargepole, never mind give them my credit card details!

Introducing Mobile Phone Watch

Since I have an unhealthy obsession with mobile phones I thought I'd change my blog to centre around my obsession.
I've also got a bit of a chip on my shoulder about all the fucking mobile phone fraudsters on Ebay and the fact that Ebay doesn't do anything about it.
I'm gonna use this blog to list auctions that I'm convinced are run by fraudsters and to explain more about how you can spot them.